Join Us

We live by the principles of working together to overcome any obstacle we face, being true to ourselves and anyone we engage with, leveraging diverse skills and resources to accomplish our goals through unified creativity, maintaining a high level of transparency and respect in all communications, and empowering each person to unleash their gifts.

We are looking at people with a varied skillset, especially in Fundraising and Marketing. If you think you can support us in any other way, please do let us know. We always welcome and value talent.

Meet the Team

With over 100 years of combined experience, we have got a well-seasoned team at the helm.

Rowaiye Olanrewaju

10 years experience in the fashion industry, masters in interna,tional trade and bachelors in economics, fashion designer, and an entrepreneur

Travis Robbins

6 years of team management experience, service in the Mari,ne Corps and founder of business scaling startup Pains To Profits

Hannah Craik

Founder of Salonvironment. Professional environmental ad,vocate, consultant, lobbyist, and entrepreneur with 10 years experience in the beauty & salon industry.

Lin Sheppard

Chief Adviser
53 years as a successful businessman who has ru,n a number of businesses and who holds an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania

Saksham Garg

Technology Lead
Transforming businesses into money minting units by strategically saving costs, and boosting sales. All about software, automation, and hustle

Susan Chapin

Board of Directors
Senior Sustainability and Energy Risk Pro, BS in Chemis,try, certified in ESG Disclosures & Frameworks. Formulate policies & build world-class GRC frameworks for ESG goals & disclosures. Expert on legislative & regulatory matters, lobbies for climate-based legislation

Anoop Raghuram

Sustainability Engineer
Sustainability professional with experience in Sustainable ,Business Models & Circular economy, Masters in Energy and Environmental engineering, and Bachelor’s in mechanical engineering.

Clementina Martinez-Masarweh

Board Member
Slow fashion maven, zero-waste artist. Founder of DNA Sustain,able Threds. Award-winning filmmaker. Sustainable fashion advocate. SB62 Bill influencer. Inspiring change for 20+ years.

Dominic Barbuto

Game Development Lead
A professional game developer, graduated from Full Sail University, Founder-Domention Studios

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